Category: Career Management

Post-Interview Follow up


You received a call back for an interview. You did your research, dressed your best, and hit all of the points you wanted to hit in your interview. You feel good and can breathe a little bit easier – but now comes one of the most stressful parts of the hiring process: waiting to hear […]

Career Fair – February 27, 2014


SAN DIEGO CAREER FAIR Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Doubletree Hotel San Diego/Mission Valley 7450 Hazard Center Drive San Diego, CA 92108 View Larger Map FREE TO JOB SEEKERS NO PRE-REGISTRATION Please dress professionally and bring several copies of your resume. Employers interested in exhibiting at the event please call (951) […]

Let Your Personality Shine


You may be a computer wiz or a stellar engineer, but communication and interpersonal skills are just as valuable.  Take a look at this weeks Good Morning San Diego segment:

Are You Not Safe For Work? (NSFW)


A buddy of mine sent me a good Men’s Health article yesterday: “How You Could Get Fired-Today”.   Working in my field for as long as I have,  I’ve definitely heard and experienced all sorts of interesting workplace situations.  Some of them on the list are more obvious than others, like don’t do/say things you shouldn’t […]

Don’t Quit Yet!


It’s much easier to find a job when you HAVE a job!  Take a look at this week’s Good Morning San Diego clip where Brandi and I chat about how to go about looking for a new job:

Be Likeable


People like likeable people.  We want to work with people that are good at what they do, but we also want to work with people we could shoot the breeze with at happy hour after a long day.  While hiring managers look at your skill set and qualifications, they are also looking to see if […]

Veterans on the Job Hunt


As a big supporter of the military and military personnel I found this article by Business Insider: Thank You For Your Military Service — Now Here Are 9 Reasons Why I Won’t Hire You to be full of good information for recently discharged troops.  Take a look! Is there anything you think is missing from […]

Choosing The Right Profile Photo


In an age where “selfie” is now considered a real word, (Hah, I’m not kidding, look it up) there are many online platforms and profiles that require a photo.  Particularly in a job search, there are a few things you should keep in mind:   1. Always have a profile photo. There are a lot […]

The Animals Within Us


I love this article by IDEO CEO Tim Brown  about team work inspired by nature.  What inspires you in your work? Feel free to share in the comment field below!

Five Tips to Help You Get to the Top


These tips from Men’s Health aren’t just for the boys, everyone can learn from these tips on how to stand out among coworkers.  I want to hear from you!  Do you have any tips of your own, or experiences you can share about how you moved up in a company?